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1. In accordance with FIDE regulations, an entry FIDE fee of 70 Euros for each Official Player and 140 € Euros for each Additional player should be paid. The deadline for receipt of all payments is 17th October 2013. The National Federations must send this amount directly to FIDE.

Account Name:                                   Federation Internationale Des Echecs

Bankers:                                            UBS Bank

Address:                                            Case Postale, 1002 Lausanne, Switzerland

Bank Code:                                         UBSWCHZH80A


US Dollar Account Number:               243-342087.60Z

IBAN                                               CH76 0024 3243 3420 8760 Z


Swiss Franc Account Number:          243-342087.02T

IBAN                                              CH86 0024 3243 3420 8702 T


Euro Account Number                        243-342087.63Y

IBAN                                                CH54 0024 3243 3420 8763 Y
